My 1972 Guild Guitar
The Book of Love Has Music in It

The story of the life of my old Guild guitar in mosaic.

 In 2018, the husband of one of our chorus members, Richard Stanley, was looking at my mosaiced guitar, as it now hung in my basement studio where a bunch of us hung out after rehearsals. He kept saying he wanted to photograph it, and I kept saying sure, anytime, thinking iPhone. When I decided to repair the crack in my newer Martin guitar, I discovered that Richard is an accomplished luthier, who has a photo studio where he photographs the notable guitars he works on.  

 So, I finally repaired the beaded strings and Richard took these awesome photographs of it. He was quite excited about it as art and was eager for me to put them on my website (which I did not even aspire to back in 2018!) with annotations of each section. So here we are. Richard will be the first one to get a link to this section when it is finished. 


Space Art


Projects for a Purpose